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Why Many Blogger's Managing Their Email List With Autoresponders?

You can send your emails and newsletters by hand but I think you will find that this is not very efficient. It is very time consuming and if you miss someone or take too long getting back to them, they may forget about your site and you will have lost business.

A great way to remedy this is to use autorepsonders to make sure you get all your emails and newsletters back to people in an appropriate time. If you have a domain that you have paid for, there is probably a type of autoresponder script on the server that you can use but if not, there are also companies that offer autoresponder services that can help you set this up.

The email list is also a great way to keep them informed of new items, updates and more on your site to bring them back again and again. Be sure you put your subscription box in a great location on your blog so that people can easily see it and subscribe.

Building an email list that your visitors can opt in to is one good way to start building and collecting information. You want people to return to your blog so that they will click on affiliate links or ads, buy your products, etc so that you make money. To do this, you are going to have to know what they are interested in reading so you can put it in your blog.

Why use an autoresponder?

An autorepsonder can really be helpful to you by saving you time and benefiting the people who visit your site. What are some ways that an autoresponder can help you?

They can:

Send an automatic thank you when someone subscribes to your

Address the subscriber by name

Send out a specified number of follow up emails

Send follow up emails at prescribed intervals (daily, every two days,
weekly, monthly and so on).

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